Safety is our utmost priority at Rush County Schools. Please use this page to find more information regarding our procedures for delays, closures, and e-Learning days.
Rush County Schools will do everything possible to notify parents, guardians, and staff members of a delay or closure. Delay and closure information can be found at the top of the school's website, in the notifications section of the RCS app, and on Facebook. In addition to those locations, parents, guardians, and staff members should expect a phone call, text message, and email regarding delays and closures. If for some reason you do not receive the phone call, text message, or email, please update your contact information in Harmony Family Access or contact your student's school to do so.
Delay and Closure FAQs
e-Learning Information
Rush County Schools will be using eLearning Days in the 2024-2025 School Year. eLearning Days will be used once the 2 built-in make-up days are used. Once these days have been used, RCS will begin using e-learning days.
Students should complete the assigned work on eLearning Day whenever possible. If it is not feasible for the student to complete the work on that day, the student will have two school days after returning to school to complete the work. Opportunities that will be provided for students to complete work that they are unable to complete on the eLearning Day include before-school hours, indoor recess times, and during the subsequent school days. Students and parents may communicate with the student’s teacher(s) on the e-learning Day during regular school hours. Communication should be done using the student's Rush County Schools email address. Staff email addresses can be found in the school directories. If we are notified that we have an eLearning day, you can expect the classroom teacher to have an assignment(s) posted no later than 9:00 a.m. on the morning of eLearning. Students have had practice getting on Google Classroom as well as other programs used at school.
If you do not have the internet or if you have technical difficulties, it is okay! We will have paper copies of the eLearning assignments when your child returns. They will have two days from the eLearning day to complete the tasks.
We understand that adjustments may need to be made, and our goal is to provide the best experience possible for students and parents.
Please keep Chromebooks out of the cold weather (take them inside and don't leave them in the car). Also, Chromebooks are to be used only for educational purposes, such as eLearning. All Chromebooks must be returned to school and charged if possible. Please help us in reinforcing the proper use of technology.
Directory Menu
Rushville Consolidated High School Directory
Benjamin Rush Middle School Directory
Rushville Elementary School Directory
Milroy Elementary School Directory
Arlington Elementary School Directory
All staff directories are also available through the RCS App now available in the Appstore and Google Play Store
e-Learning Day FAQs
Community Alert System Information
This form is for community members who want to receive alerts regarding delays, closures, and general information from Rush County Schools. Please DO NOT fill out this form if you are a current employee or a parent or guardian of a student at any of the Rush County Schools.
Current employees need to contact their IT coordinator at their building.
Parents or guardians need to call the school for assistance if they're not receiving alerts.